Form Submitted Successfully!

Your responses have been recorded and emailed to the ward clerk. Thank you for filling out the form, and welcome to the ward!

Make sure to join the BYU-I Married Student 3rd Ward Facebook group!

Incoming Family Form

Rexburg Married Student 3rd Ward

Hello, and welcome to the Rexburg Married Student 3rd Ward! We're glad you're with us. To best integrate you into our ward, we ask that you fill out this form so we can request your membership records, and get to know you.

Legal Stuff: Please note that this is not an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The information you provide here is available only to the Bishopric, clerks, and secretaries of the Rexburg Married Student 3rd Ward. They may share it further as appropirate for their calling. Your information is stored on this server only long enough to make it available to the leadership. If required, it may be stored a bit longer (generally no more than 2 weeks) to troubleshoot any technical difficulties that may occur. By using this website, you accept these terms of use. If you have technical issues or questions, visit the Contact page.

If you would like a blank form to print, please click here.

Need your spouse to finish filling out the form?

If you need your spouse to fill out the remainder of the form, click the "Share" button at the top or bottom of the page. This will generate a link that you can share with your spouse, and will allow them to pick up where you left off.

* = Required information

Household Information

Husband Information


Wife Information



Website built and maintained by Caleb Hornbeck © 2019 - 2020